6 March - 1 April - South West WA
Near Hyden, on the way from Kalgoorlie to Esperence is Wave Rock, Hippo's Yawn and Mulgas Cave. The dreamtime story of Mulga is that he was the progeny of an incestuous relationship, born crosseyed and consequently couldn't hunt. As a result he was outcast and lived in this cave and survived by eating passing children! Very cheery but I guess the message is clear.
Cape Le Grand National Park is just east of Esperence. We stayed at Lucky Bay which is purportedly Australia's best beach (not the first time we've heard this claim!)
Beautiful beaches around Esperence. Camping at Millers Point we had a visitor one night in the form of a scorpion!
We based ourselves at Denmark for a week or so to explore that area. Jada's sister's (Chimeta) partner's (Rob) parents (Dick and Flo) were kind enough to let us park the van in the driveway of their beautiful property. Rob's brother Jock also dropped in to say hi! We all fell in love with Denmark with its small town friendliness, eclectic mix of residents and proximity to the giant tree forests and the ocean.
Albany is full of interesting attractions and beautiful scenery. The National ANZAC Centre opened in November last year and is a "must see". The ANZACs left Australia from Albany harbour 100 years ago. The Centre is very informative and you could spend two days there if you had the time and concentration.
You may have noticed various ring-in kids in our photographs. We have already met and become friends with many families also travelling the country. We are all travelling in the same direction and in the main aiming to see the same sights. Consequently we end up playing a giant game of hopscotch, catching up by design and by accident, the binding thread being the children.
Porongurup National Park
Brig Amity and kite making kept us entertained on a rare drizzly day. We went to a bird and reptile park where Harry decided he wanted a pet python! We saw Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks, then it was off to the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk to see the giant Tingle Trees.
Shannon National Park and Windy Harbour below Northcliffe. Much of Shannon National Park was closed due to recent bushfires.
Ali and I climbed the Gloucester Tree (61m and 153 pegs) and the Bicentennial Tree (75m and 165 pegs) both of which were fun but very unsafe. There is some token wire above you but it would do little if you were to slip or fall - WA mustn't have a WHS Act!
Hamelin Bay
Margaret River and Busselton
Ali had her first scuba diving experience at the end of Busselton Jetty. Eight metres down on her first dive!